Saturday, January 26, 2013

Baby #2

As is always the case with second children, they get seemingly less attention, so I thought I'd take some time to post at least one thing prenatally about this child.  The due date is March 25th (a mere 8 weeks away!).  I have a condition called Single Umbilical Artery which has turned out to be nothing significant (Praise the Lord) but did require a visit to a specialist back in November for a 3D sonogram and I now have monthly sonograms to measure growth more accurately.  At last sono, baby measured right on track, weighing 3lbs and being active as always.  I have attached pictures from the November specialist appointment.  We have chosen to keep the gender a surprise until delivery so check back in a couple of months for that information and pictures of our new bundle of joy.  We don't have names picked out yet, either.  Any prayers are appreciated as we head into these final weeks, hoping nothing new comes of SUA and that delivery goes smoothly.  Enjoy!
baby feet

"No pictures, please!"

Baby boy or girl?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Warning:  These is a brag post.

Mikaela's math brain at work:

1. On the drive home, Mikaela was counting to 8 (in Spanish).  Daddy asked how many more were needed to reach "diez" (10).    She thought for a moment, then said, "!"  Our 3 year old doing math in 2 languages.

2. While eating pita chips at dinner she held one up and asked, "What shape is this?" Daddy responded, "A square*."  "No, silly" she replied.  "It's a pentagon."  And she was right!

*Daddy would like to say that in his defense, she was holding a part that left the illusion of a square, not a pentagon.  :)

Done bragging, for now.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Motivational Trainer

Tonight as I was exercising, Mikaela was nearby playing with her toy cars.  Periodically she'd join in for an exercise or two and give me some encouragement.  "You're doing great, Mommy!"

She makes the workout so much more enjoyable.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

So Proud

Perhaps this is TMI - especially for people without small children, but it was a funny conversation that I want to remember.

D: "Are you done?"
M: "No, I'm going poop."
D: "Oh good, I'm glad."
M:  "Are you so proud?"
D: "Yes.  So proud."