Sunday, August 28, 2016

First Days of School

Donna has been back to work since 8/11, Nicholas back to school since 8/15, and Mikaela since 8/22, so it's time for a few "first day of school" pictures.  Poor Daddy does getting summer vacation like the rest of his family.

Nicholas attends Spanish Schoolhouse in North Carrollton.  This is his second year there  We love this place.  I can't say enough positive things about it!

Mikaela is now in first grade.  She attends Independence Elementary in LISD.  She's in their dual language program.  This year, she has just one teacher who alternates each day which language she teaches in.  Last year, in Kindergarten, she changed teachers depending on the language day.

Her class of 2028 shirt

They hadn't changed the marque yet.  We went the day before school starts to take these photos.  It makes life way less stressful for Mommy!

Have a great school year, everybody!

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