Friday, December 27, 2013

9 Months Old

I waited until after his appointment to post, but he's been 9 months since Dec. 18th.  I wanted to have his stats for the post.

Nicholas is 9 months old.

Weight: 17.1 oz (5%)
Length: 28.25'' (40%)
Head: 18''(60%)

Food:  He eats about a jar/pouch of baby food everyday and loves those baby snacks, like Mum-mums, stars, etc.  Pears, carrots, and apples seem to be his favorite.  He's had some table food (black beans, pasta, bread), but we don't give him much just because he hasn't really mastered the chewing/swallowing part.  He is still nursing, but we are trying to introduce formula.  Mommy's milk supply has dwindled and fears return to work on January will be busy and pumping will suffer.  However, at the moment, he all but refuses formula, so we got a couple of different brands to try.  We tried Gerber and that seemed okay.  I'm still nursing over the break and will pump at the start of the semester but will probably be done by the end of January.

Sleep:  Sleep is improving.  There have been so many variables that could be contributing to poor sleep (reflux, separation, hunger, teething, etc), but we got a 6 hour stretch last night.  We started over with sleep training, following "the book" closely and it seems to be working better this time around.  The goal is for him to sleep from 7ish to 4 straight through.  I'll feed him at 4.  If we can manage that, I'd be one happy camper!

He has mastered crawling, pulling up, and walking along furniture.  I can tell he wants to stand, but doesn't yet.  He loves playing with his cars, the legos, his pooh bear car, and his hammer music toy, as well as Mikaela's dollhouse (which doesn't always thrill her).

He loves bath time, especially when Mikaela joins him.  He likes to turn the pages of books we read.  He is learning to dance. That's a lot of fun to watch.

Mikaela and he "talk" often.  They will mimic one another's sounds and carry on a conversation.  It is such a joy to watch them play and interact.  I know there will be squabbles, but I hope they are always close.  It's obvious he looks up to her.

And now for photos:

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