Monday, October 27, 2014

19 Months Old (and then some)

Sometime toward the end of last week, as I was playing with Nicholas in his room before bedtime watching him "read" books, I was making mental note of what I'd blog at his next growth update.  Then I realized, I'd missed it, by several days already.  So.. now he's about 19 and 1/2 months old, here's what Nicholas is doing.

Food:  As long as he feels well, he will try just about any thing you put in front of him.  There are picky days, and given his sister's history, they make me cringe, but overall he eats well.  He loves black beans, green beans, and fruit.  He'll eat cheese and yogurt, bread and chicken.  He's tried a few other things here and there, but those listed are his favorites.

Sleep:  He still goes back and forth between 1 nap and 2.  As long as he gets at least 1.5 hrs in nap, he's usually okay.  He goes down between 7:30 and 8 and is usually up at 6:30.  I want to make that wake up time about 30 minutes later so that I have time to do quiet time before the house wakes up in the morning, but so far, Nick won't hear of it.

Language:  He has lots of words, in English and Spanish.  Many of his English words (and sometimes Spanish) are accompanied by signs.  There are a few words that are his word for something, though it's not exactly the right now.  For example - he's associated the sounds to train (choo-choo) and car (vroom) so that's what he calls those items: choo-choo and vroom instead of train and car.   All dogs are called "Cocoa".  This week he's become quite adept to "no" when answering questions.  He babbles a lot and gives many sentences; we just aren't sure what they are yet.

English: Mom, Dad, Ela, Cocoa, vroom, choo-choo, nana (banana), shoes, hat, go, up, ball

Spanish: pan, baba (aqua), and I'm sure others I don't know

Sign: dog, car, train, banana, more, please, down, where, color, water, milk, ball


  • being outside
  • playing with cars and balls
  • feeding Cocoa
  • running
  • climbing
  • talking
  • coloring
  • dumping things out of buckets
  • moving furniture

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