Sunday, May 25, 2014


At dinner one night, Mike and I were talking about our days while the kids were eating.  Mikaela was jabbering on about one thing or another, not really talking to us, just talking.   Mike said something, but I wasn't exactly sure what he said:

Donna: I'm sorry, Babe.  I didn't quite hear that.
Mikaela: Tor-teee-ya.  That's what I said.

Maybe you had to be there, but we both started laughing.  


Graemma got Mikaela a car bingo game which she decided to play on the way to church this morning.  She would tell us what pictures we needed to search for and then we'd help her locate them (stop sign, traffic light, train, no parking sign, lampost, etc).  At one point she said, "We still need to find the word."  Perplexed, we asked her to spell it so that we could understand what word she meant.  "F-R-E-E. We have to find that."

Chuckle.  Perhaps we should explain what a "free space" is on Bingo.


Standing on the train table Nicholas watched Mike walk upstairs.   "Da" he shouted repeatedly pointing toward the stairs.

Donna: Yes, Nicholas.  Where is Daddy?
Nicholas: Up


Driving home the other day, Nicholas was holding Mikaela's baby doll in the car and repeatedly said "Baby, baby, baby".  I think that's our first real word (English, anyway).

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